
Farming | Petting | Facts

A Diary that has all the answers to your aquatic queries!

Dedicated to unraveling the depths of water creatures, our website serves as a beacon for fish enthusiasts. Through insightful blogs, we share fascinating facts on aquaculture, aquariums, fish pros and cons. Join us in exploring the vast seas of fish world and its vital impact on our planet.


The controlled cultivation of aquatic organisms is known as aqua farming. Let’s learn everything about aqua farming AKA aquaculture.


If you’re into freshwater aquariums , this is the place where you will have all the answers and solutions to your aquarium journey. 


Did you know There are more species of fish than mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians put together? Interesting, no? For more exciting facts about fish, you should visit here often. 

Value added aquatic animals

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